Have Ye Received the Holy Ghost?
Autor: Leila N. Morris  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Laudă și închinare
Resursa adaugata de Aleee in 05/10/2007
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1. Ye are the temples, Jesus hath spoken,
Temples of God’s holy Spirit divine;
Have ye received Him, bidden Him enter,
Make His abode in that poor heart of thine?

R: Have ye received, since ye believed,
The blessed Holy Ghost?
He who has promised, gift of the Father,
Have ye received the Holy Ghost?

2. He who has pardoned surely will cleanse thee,
All of the dross of thy nature refine;
Cleansed from all sin, His power will enter,
Fill you and thrill you with power divine.

3. Showers of mercy, fullness of blessing,
Ever the Spirit’s indwelling attend;
’Tis this enduement, power of service,
Fruits for your labor He surely will send.

4. Weary of wand’ring, come into Canaan,
Feast on the fullness and fat of the land;
Feed on the manna, dwell in the sunshine,
Led by His Spirit and kept by His hand.

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